A Beautiful Summer Holiday

June 21st marked the longest day of the year and the official first day of Summer, and the team here at InCrystals couldn’t be more excited with the warmer weather, relaxing evenings and long afternoons spent in the park (or on the patio!).

Summer also often means a chance to spend more time with our family, friends and loved ones, and many people choose to gather up their clan and head off on a holiday to take advantage of the lovely temperatures and longer evenings. With countless people flocking off the vacation destinations both local and exotic, our facebook and instagram accounts are often flooded with the photos that people snap while travelling.

With the advent of digital photography and powerful camera phones, we are taking more photos than ever of our children, our vacations and even our food! But how can you make sure that your holiday photos are unique, attractive and widely appreciated by your friends and social media followers?

Whether you are at home or abroad, here are our top three tips for taking the perfect summer vacation photos this year.

  1. Avoid static shots of the family posing in front of a landmark. Instead of the same tired old shot of the gang posed in front of the Eifel Tower, consider a photo of the kids trying a raw oyster for the first time, sampling some sorbet or gorging on brie and baguettes in a nearby square. Better yet – snap a pic of the little ones (and big ones!) playing a game of pick up footie with the local enfants – that is sure to evoke wonderful memories.
Slurping up some sorbet!
  1. Get up close and personal. Everyone has the same shot of Big Ben from trip to London, but only you can catch the wonder of your little one’s eyes as they stare up at it for the first time. Avoid the ‘big picture’- focus in on small architectural details and sneaky close ups of your family enjoying them.
  2. Take photos of the locals being…. Local! A flower seller in India? A fishmonger at an Italian market? A passionate tour guide in London? These visages will remind you of the place you visited far more than any anonymous postcard shot ever will.
Stunning flowers in Pushkar, India

Once you have returned home from your summer holiday and have a chance to reflect and review your photos, consider turning your favourites into timeless memories with an InCrystal 3D photo block. Your family will love seeing their antics depicted in stunning crystal, and you will love the memories it evokes – until you start planning next year’s vacation!

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